Our Mission
Our first bilingual preschool was established in 2000, and ever since, we have focused on reusing materials in a comprehensive, creative, and beautiful way with families participating in a mutual green concept. Children are motivated by staff professionalism and guidance to think “out of the box” while learning to respect the earth and recognize not only materials but life more tenderly and with appreciation. This is our primary goal as educators and we believe that it extends the education much farther.
Our mission is to focus on a green concept so that we create a seed in children that they can carry with them into the future.
A History of Excellence
Our staff holds a mindful belief that young children are their greatest teachers. By providing the tools that emphasize multiculturalism with literacy, we broaden our student's vision for success. They will attain a core foundation of wisdom, respect, and discover themselves with empowerment as they are developing. In turn, we honor the child’s spirit and deposit the seed for a positive human being to bloom.
Application for enrollment is accepted without regard to race, religion, national origin, abilities, or disabilities. Beyond Montessori Preschool holds a pre-enrollment interview with all families to establish community philosophies.